Into The Pages

I will be using this blog as a reading journal to discuss the books I've read, and will be reading.

Location: Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, United States

I'm 26 years old, a college student at Penn State. My interests are books and the internet. I'll read any book as long as it has a good plot. My favorite is Harry Potter.. right now.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Goblet of Fire - spoilery

Title: Goblet of Fire
Author: J.K. Rowling
Rating: 5 Stars

I loved this book. I'd have to say its really up there as my favorite of the series. I should really wait till I finish reading the series to pick a favorite, but this one seems like it will be up there. I like the dark feel of the story, you can tell that Harry and his riends are growing up, and their life challengers are getting harder. When the Triwizard Tournament is first mentioned, you know somehow Harry is going to be involved, but how and why are cleverly kept until the very end. I was trying to look for any clues that may have been dropped as to who put his name in the cup (I did see the movie first, which is why I was reading even more closely. But I think the movie had it slightly different, I don't remember), but I didn't catch on until the end - when it was revealed.

Introducing other magical schools was a great idea. It shows that, like people, wizards aren't alone - they are all over the world. The Triwizard Tournament bringing them together is something like the Olympics.. sorta. The sportsmanship between Harry and Cedric during all 3 tasks was good to see. The poor beauxbatons girl didn't really get anywhere in the tournament, except past the first task. I know she had 'help' not getting far in the maze. When Krum attacked Cedric in the maze, for a second I wondered if he had something to do with Harry's name getting in the cup - or at least had some part in a bigger plan that involved the cup, because the Durmstrang headmaster was a former death eater. But I knew that wasn't right, considering what happened in the forrest when Crouch showed up out of his mind. Having Harry and Cedric fighting off the big spider at the center of the maze, with the cup in view, was a great visual. We did see something like it in the movie, but the way it was written out in the book was much better. And then each insisting the other take the cup, and then doing it together. It would have been one of those picture-perfect happy endings that only happens in fairy tales. You know, Harry and Cedric portkey outside the maze - 2 champions for Hogwarts, loved by all (well, most). Even without seeing the movie, I would have known that it wasn't going to end all perfect like that.

Poor Cedric. He was all ready to fight by Harry's side as if this place they had been portkey'd to was part of the tournament. And then *zap* dead, gone, poor Cedric. Harry sees the re-birth of Voldemort, and the death eaters.. The duel, another great visual that was given somewhat justice in the movie. The wands connecting, the spirits coming out, telling Harry what to do. And then making sure he is able to get it done. Cedric asking Harry to take his body back *sniff* so sad.. (I don't know why I'm stuck on Cedric, I guess becase he's dead.. I dunno).

After the tournament, and after we find out the truth about Crouch jr. and the polyjuice, the story truly unfolds. Voldemort is back, and the ministry and Dumbledore have a plan. You can tell that this is really just the turning point in a much longer story. Everything leading up to this point was an explaination of sorts. Harry and his friends have had 4 years to learn all they could, faced challenges and beaten them, and the ministry has had 14 years to think about what they'd have to do if Voldemort would ever return. Now that he's back, you know there is much more to the story.

One more thing I like about this series overall is that the author re-visits things from the other books. For instance, the use of polyjuice. But, what sticks out more is Fawkes. Fawkes has been there since book 1, and he's had a part in each book (I think, I can't recall specifically anything from book 3), and it's in book 4 that we learn the exact pheonix feather in Harry's wand (and Voldemort's) is a feather from Fawkes. And for the second time, Fawkes heals Harry's injury.

I have no book-to-movie comments yet. I have to see the movie again, to make sure of some things. I think I spotted where they may have changed the book a little to fit the movie, but I'm not sure I remember correctly.

Next up: Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix..


Anonymous Anonymous said...

For a story on Viet Nam check out Nelson Demille's Up Country. I found it very good and brought back memories, as I had been in many of the locals he wrote about.

7:38 PM  

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