Into The Pages

I will be using this blog as a reading journal to discuss the books I've read, and will be reading.

Location: Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, United States

I'm 26 years old, a college student at Penn State. My interests are books and the internet. I'll read any book as long as it has a good plot. My favorite is Harry Potter.. right now.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - spoilery

Title: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Author: J.K. Rowling
Rating: 5+ Stars

I loved this book! I know I've mentioned it before, but I love the fact that as Harry gets older his issues get harder.

This book has a darker quality to it than the others do. Not overly dark, but its there, especially at the end. I think I enjoyed reading this book more than the others because there is no movie. I had no way of knowing the outcome aside from reading it. Don't get me wrong, I love the other books too, I just enjoyed reading this one the most because I didn't know how it ended. Well, I knew one thing, but not how it happened. And when it did happen, knowing it was going to didn't ruin it for me.

In this book, Harry is dealing with feelings of anger and what he feels is betrayal. In the beginning chapters, you can't help but feel bad for Harry. He's stuck with the Dursleys not knowing when he's going to be busted out, the only messages he gets don't tell him much, he's attacked by a dementor, and still he's told nothing, and to top it all of, he's nearly expelled. When he's finally picked up and taken to where everyone else is, he's still mad because even Ron and Hermione seem to know more than he does, and he's got a trial coming up. Of course, he's not expelled because Dumbledore comes to his rescue, and instead of being completely thrilled, Harry wonders why Dumbledore won't even look at him. He dwells on this subject on and off throughout the book as different things happen. And sometimes, I just wanted to go through the pages and shake Dumbledore to find out what his problem is. But, it's a book, and I didn't really want to rip it, and I knew there was a reason and we'd all (Harry and me) would find out in due time what was going on.

Hopefully those reading this aren'e expecting a good summary here because that's not what's gonna happen. These books are probably the most widely read series across many countries, believe me you'll want to read them if you haven't. And, if you're reading this and you haven't read the books, I really wouldn't continue, I'd hit the library or bookstore and then come back and let me know what you thought of these books. :)

Anyway, back to Harry. Once Harry is back at school, things aren't much better. Sure, he's where he wants to be. But at what cost? The Ministry of Magic is trying to make Harry look like a liar, and make Dumbledore look like he's lost his mind. And then, wanting to get involved in every aspect of the school where they have never had reign before. All this to cover up the fact they know that Harry and Dumbledore are telling the truth? Wouldn't someone become suspicious? If in all the years of Hogwarts, the Ministry has kept it's distance, and then all of a sudden they are becoming involved (and trying to take over). That Umbridge lady was REALLY annoying me. I am so glad she got what she deserved!

By now, I'm sure you can tell that I get really involved in the books I read. To me, it's a sign of a really good writer if the reader can be drawn into a character so much that they start to feel a certain amount of like or dislike toward them. If a character draws no emotion from the reader, the character hasn't been developed enough. With the characters in the HP series, I feel like I know them. Which makes me believe that the author knows them, which J.K. Rowling did mention in an interview. That characters in a book should come across as if the author truely knows them. The fact that she's got pages written on each character that will never see the pages of a published book shows that she's put effort into developing and getting to know each character she uses.

And let me tell ya, I was really not liking the ministry people for quite a while in this book, actually, I still don't think I like them much. I was starting to not feel so good toward Dumbledore for a while, but at the same time, a little worried for Harry at the fact there were times that he felt he wanted to attack Dumbledore. I figured that Dumbledore may know what's going on inside Harry's head and we'd all find out in due time. Cho was really pissing me off. Yes, I'd like Harry to have a girlfriend (or boyfriend, whichever), BUT.. Cho was really irking me. Yes, she was dating Cedric. Did she really think Harry would want to talk about him after seeing him die? Especially with her? I can understand if she truely liked Harry, why she'd want to talk to him, but how about telling the poor guy you like him first? Of course Harry would have confided to Ron and Hermione, the first person he'd go to wouldn't be the girl he had a crush on, would it? Especially if he'd just seen her boyfriend murdered?

The last 100 pages or so really had me glued to the book. I hated to put it down even to go to the bathroom. I had to finish it tonight, no matter how long it took. The entire scene in the department of mysteries with the 5 D.A members and the Death Eaters, and then the Order showing up. The death of Sirius, although I knew about it, didn't make it any less saddening. One second he's battling and laughing, the next he's hit with a curse and he falls behind the veil. All this infront of Harry's eyes. Then, Dumbledore and Voldemort dueling, I could practically see that playing out in my head.

My absolute favorite part of the book is when Dumbledore finally sits down with Harry and talks to him, and explains everything. I could just see Harry tossing things around the office while Dumbledore just watches him. But, when he finally sat down and listened, he got the answers he's wanted for 5 years. Why does he have the scar? What does it mean? Why did Voldemort want to kill him? Why didn't he succeed? Why does he have to go back to the Durselys every summer? And now that he's been told the prophecy, what does it all mean? You'd think that with all these questions answered there would be nothing left of the story to tell, right? Nope! It leave us knowing enough that this - whatever you want to call it - has only just begun. We know that Harry and Voldemort cannot each exist while the other lives. But Harry doesn't believe he can kill, but he's got to if he doesn't want to die.

I also liked the part with Luna and Harry in the hall. Although he's sad and angry about Sirius dying, he feels a little better (hopeful?) knowing he may be just on the other side of that veil. Luna Lovegood may have been seen as "Looney", but she seems perfectly happy with that. And Harry, when he finally talks to her, realizes she's really not that crazy. She even gives him hope.

Even better, the story leaves Harry happy to know he's got his friends and the Order - and Dumbledore - on his side. It gives you a sense that something is going to happen in the next book, and it's not going to be good, but Harry along with the Order (and Ron and Hermione) will do what ever they can to prevent Voldemort from coming to power again. Harry knows he's got to.

Another thing I really enjoyed in this book was the Weasley twins' exit. Nothing less could be expected of them. I enjoyed their pranks in the other books, this last prank was the best they could have done, and to fly out the doors on their brooms - just wonderful. :)


Now, nothing at all to do with the plot, just some side thinking since I do read a bit of fanfiction. I know that a lot of fan out there would like to see Hermione with Ron, and although I think that would be cute. I think I'd like to see Hermione with Harry. Of course, I think its an interesting love triangle - and it would be even more interesting to see who would really win her heart. I've read fics on both sides of the fence, and many other Harry pairings.. I still think Harry and Hermione would be the best one. :)

Next Up: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.

Note: If you'll remember from my first post, I hoped to have this series done by Christmas. I've got 5 days, I'm going to try to make it happen. I know that even if I don't finish by Christmas night, I won't have any problems having it done long before new years day. January 1st I will start the first book of my 52 book challange. Of course, I haven't picked said book yet, but I've got time.


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