Into The Pages

I will be using this blog as a reading journal to discuss the books I've read, and will be reading.

Location: Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, United States

I'm 26 years old, a college student at Penn State. My interests are books and the internet. I'll read any book as long as it has a good plot. My favorite is Harry Potter.. right now.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Book #9 - Breaking Dawn

Title: Breaking Dawn
Author: Stephanie Meyer

Um.. wow. Its been about 2-3 weeks since I finished the book. I read it the weekend it came out, I started writing a blog about it, and its taking a while because its long. I really need to shorten it before I post it (I will post it), but I wanted to get some comments up before I forget.

I didn't like it. Not nearly as much as I LOVED the first 3. It read like the kind of fan fiction that I skip over because there is no way it could remotely relate to the books. I don't read much out of cannon, slightly out of cannon is fine, but something with a human pregnant with her vampire lover's baby is something that I wouldn't have considered canon. WOW was I wrong.

I was about 200 pages in and was ready to just give up and hit the internet for spoilers because it was just... that... bad. I was waiting for the 'bad dream' I thought Bella was having to end. But, no. This was no dream, no nightmare, not anything more than the story that was being told. I read on, more out of morbid curiosity than waiting for the story to get better. I was surprised when the story DID get better toward the end, maybe the last 200 pages or so were pretty good.

It ended too perfect, no story ends with a nice bow like this one. One person does NOT get everything they want with little or no sacrifice. Bella has a baby (which she never knew she wanted), becomes a vampire (which she's wanted since she laid eyes on Edward), is NOT a crazed newborn (cause she 'prepared'!), and along with the rest of her vampire family and friends managed to escape certain death (or win a chess match, however you want to look at it) with this newly developed shield power she's got goin on, oh yeah and they live happily ever after. the end. Oh WTF! The way the Volturi was written in New Moon, they don't often just let people walk away without some kind of fight. And here they just turned around (with witnesses!) and said "ok, no one dies today.. lets head back home".. ONE person dies in the book, a character that the readers didn't get a chance to get attached to/hate enough (again, perception of the situation) to care if they died. Although I liked the end of the book as a whole, I didn't like the way this showdown was written up leading to some great climatic battle or something, only to have it not be so much a battle, but a chess match of sorts. I understand it, I get it, I just felt more of a letdown from the buildup.

But, it wasn't so awfully terrible that there was nothing likable about it. I liked that Jacob finally stood up as Alpha and got a mini-pack of his own (I know that packs don't need to have a certain number, but still..). I liked the parts with Jacob and Leah, where we find out more about Leah. I was hoping that something would develop there, but no more than friendship, which is fine, I still liked that part. I also liked the little hunt that Alice had sent Bella on, well, I got to think along with the character to try and figure out what she was supposed to find. I also liked how Bella finally did figure something out on her own, and went about doing what she had to in order to save her daughter. The best line out of the book - "goodbye Jacob, my brother, my son". I didn't like the fact Bella gave birth to a vamp/human hybrid, or the whole Jacob imprinting thing, but that line wasn't about that really. If you look at the broader concept, its about acceptance. Edward had accepted Jacob as a brother, for all the times he's helped the family, and knows that someday he'll marry (*shudder*) his daughter but he knows she'll be safe, and that is what matters, so he accepted it.

And thats really about all, till I post my longer comments on each of the 'big' things that happened.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Book #7 - Eclipse

Title: Eclipse
Author: Stephanie Meyer

This book was awesome, just like the others. Bella's graduation is drawing near (along with the Cullen's of course), as is her.. planned change. She's still got a deranged vampire after her, nearby Seattle has a gang of newborn vamps on the loose, and then there's the werewolf. Sound complicated? Thats only half. Bella is torn between her friendship with Jacob and her love for Edward. The vampires and the wolves become allies! And Alice gets to plan a wedding. Lots of good stuffs! Read it!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Books #4, #5, #6 (beware Twilight spoilers..)

I really need to log in and update as soon as I finish a book.. anyway, here goes.

#4 Title: Two For The Dough
Author: Janet Evanovich

This was ok, the whole mystery thing still isn't my thing. I found this one a little harder to get into, but it got better at the end. I will continue to read these in between other reads, they are rather quick.

#5 Title: Twilight
Author: Stephanie Meyer

Oh My GOD! I loved this book! This is another series I am happening on near its ending. The one Harry Potter podcast had been mentioning it as something people are turning to after Harry Potter. Its different, because its about vampires.. but its still that fantasy/science fiction genre.

It has been a long time since I read a good vampire story. This one is a bit different, its a love story as well.. "with bite".. lol :) Bella is human, Edward is a vampire.. living with (coven of sorts) other vampires as a family. These vampires are different because they don't kill humans, the exist in human society and resist the urge to take their blood. They live off the blood of animals, so they go on 'hunting trips' away from where they live (in the almost always rainy and overcast city of Forks, Washington). They meet at school, at first it seems Edward hates Bella for no reason.. but he doesn't.. he's just really interested in her blood, and he's intrigued because his special talent of hearing peoples thoughts doesn't work with her. She's intrigued by him, they fall in love.. there's other dangers, I don't wanna give it all away.. but its a thing where he wants to stay away for her safety.. but she's accident prone and he feels the need to save her.. its just a really good story.. REALLY good, my description is doing NOTHING for it. GO read it!

#6 Title: New Moon (Book 2, Twilight Saga)
Author: Stephanie Meyer

If there is a book better than Twilight, it is New Moon. I had it finished in 2 days. I would have finished it the first night it arrived, but I had to get up early the next day for work so I couldn't read through the night and into the morning. I finally put it down around 1am and went to bed, and picked it right up again as soon as I got home. Wonderful continuation. Such drama! In the beginning, things look good for Edward and Bella, but a mishap at the Cullen House (the Cullen's are Edward and his family) on Bella's birthday changed that. Bella accidentally gave herself a paper cut.. and one of Edward's 'brothers' (who was new to the way of resisting human blood) kinda went at her when he saw the blood.. soo small bit of craziness happens.. and in the next chapter or so Edward's family decide to leave Forks. Edward breaks up with Bella, and its sooo devistating. I cried. lol and I don't usually do that, but I guess it brought up some memories of my own. Totally brought her world crashing down. She learns to function somewhat normally, becomes reckless in order to hear his voice in her head.. till.. well.. someone shows up.. a rescue mission starts.. and.. READ IT! You won't regret it!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Book #3 of 2008

**Blogger's note - Its been forever since I put a book in here! I had good intentions of reading a lot more, but school got in the way. I missed the March book challenge, although I got books from the library.. I never got a chance to read them. April's challenge was cozy mysteries, 3 of them.. I read 1 so far. And starting the second.. I need to get books for May's challenge as well, mother stories in honor of mothers day.. but in the mean time I may as well get these "cozies" finished. I've got all 13 of the Janet Evanovich Plum books, and the 2 I think "in betweens".. and just started reading them, which brings me to the post...

Title: One For The Money
Author: Janet Evanovich

I must be the last person on the planet to have read this book. Chrissy, who I help take care of the book club area of our group, recommended them to me (and helped me acquire some of them through exchange sites, library sale, and paperback stores)... and just now, after they've sat on my shelf for a year, i'm deciding to read them.

For those that don't know, Stephanie Plum is a bounty hunter.. and these books are about her bounty hunting. lol ok, thats vague.. but anyway. The first in the series sets up how she got involved in the bounty hunter business and introduces the reader to the 'cast of characters'. Now if you scroll back through entries, I believe it was December, I read Visions of Sugar Plums, which is a between the numbers, so I didn't have to worry about not knowing what was going on. Overall it was a decent book, its not my usual cup of tea, but it wasn't bad.

Tonight I start Two For The Dough. With school being out and 3 weeks that I don't need to go to work, I should get lots of reading done. My work hours shouldn't interfere with reading either, no homework. So I've got till the end of August to get caught up.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Book #1 & #2 of 2008

A little correction here, I should have mentioned this in the post. I put The Heart of a Fox in with the end of 2007 reads, it should be with the 2008s. I hadn't finished it till January.

So, Book #1 of 2008 is Heart of a Fox by T. Isilwath. See review below. I love this book. Check out Izzy's Book Website to read the first 2 chapters.

Book #2: Dog Heros of 9/11. This has been on my shelf for a while, and I had leafed through it, but this time I actually read it. It is individual stories about the dogs involved in the rescue missions at the World Trade Center, Pentagon, and in western Pennsylvania. Each dog's profile includes their name, breed, medals, and a description of where they were helping out and the training they went through. If there was a specific firefighter they worked with, that was talked about, also if there was a special story about a certain dog.

Lonestar Steak restaurants donated steaks for the dogs to eat, every night the vet staff on duty bathed them and gave them full check ups to make sure they weren't injured.

I thought this was a very interesting book.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Book # 13 of 2007

Not really the 13th book that I read in the year, but I see I hadn't posted about it. And I know why, I haven't finished my write up about it.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling

I loved this book... and I will finish my full write-up of it and post that in the coming weeks.

Books #11 and 12 of 2007

Just a quick post before I start the 2008 books..

I read Visions of Sugar Plums by Janet Evanovich as part of a books group read. It was a quick read, pretty funny. The first of her books that I read, even though I have the others in the Plum series on my shelf waiting (thats for the coming year).

Also, even though I just finished it today, I started it at the end of December..

The Heart of a Fox by T. Isilwath. All family bias aside, I loved this book. Its different from anything I had read before, and I loved it. Its about time travel, and the power of love. I love how Izzy writes about the power of love.

Check out and you'll be able to preview the first 2 chapters. Its a great read.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Book #10 of 2007 - Sam's Letters To Jennifer

Title: Sam's Letters To Jennifer
Author: James Patterson

This was a book of the month book for the reading club I'm part of. Its something I probably wouldn't have picked up if this wasn't a book of the month, its not usually something I'd read, but I enjoyed this book.

It was a bit sad at times, but had a happy ending. The story starts with a woman, who's husband is dead, and who's grandmother (and best friend) is in a coma. When she goes to her grandmother's house, after visiting her at the hospital, she finds a pile of letters in the room she always stayed in, all written to her. The grandmother told her (Jennifer) the story of her life, there are surprises in the letters that Jennifer never expected. There are 2 love stories intertwined throughout the book, these stories are in Sam's letters, and in Jennifer's life as she's reading Sam's letters. The ending is sad, yet happy as well. All in all a really good book.

Book #9 of 2007 - Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Title: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Author: J.K. Rowling

I decided to read this book again because the seventh Harry Potter book is coming out next month and I wanted to refresh my memory as to the story as far as we have it. There were a couple things that I had forgotten about, or maybe never thought as much about until the re-read. I guess its like a movie, you can see them so many times and discover something you never saw before.

In the past few months, between mugglecast and pottercast, as well as talking with my friend chrissy about the upcoming book, there has been talk about the horcruxes, who lives or dies, etc. I have come up with a new horcrux theory, or possibility. My theory is - there is a horcrux hidden in the room of requirement. Harry walks past the room of requirement needing a place to HIDE his potion book. He is on his way to dumbledore's office and sees that Professor Trelawny is kicked out of the Room by someone already in the place she wants, a place to HIDE her Sherry bottles. We find out at the end that the "male voice" that was so happy in the Room, was Draco who was using the place to HIDE the vanishing cabinet he was fixing so that he could fix it and then let the death eaters in through it. Harry passed the cabinet while in the room to HIDE his book and dismisses it as a broken cabinet that Montague got lost in during the 5th book. So, here is the conclusion I came to: the Room became the same place for everyone looking to hide something, because Harry mentions things that looked like they'd been hidden and forgotten about, that is why he marked the spot where he put the book. As far as I can remember, no other time has the room looked like it had been used before for the same purpose it was being summoned for. So, what if Tom Riddle the student knew about the room of the requirement and was looking for a place to hide something and put it in that room. It was probably filled with hidden stuff before her got there. At the time he may not have had a horcrux to hide, but he could have kept it in mind and decided to use it. Another thought is that it could be charmed to look like "junk". I dunno.. just a thought.

I still love this book, and all the others.. and anxiously waiting for Deathly Hallows