Into The Pages

I will be using this blog as a reading journal to discuss the books I've read, and will be reading.

Location: Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, United States

I'm 26 years old, a college student at Penn State. My interests are books and the internet. I'll read any book as long as it has a good plot. My favorite is Harry Potter.. right now.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Book #7 - Eclipse

Title: Eclipse
Author: Stephanie Meyer

This book was awesome, just like the others. Bella's graduation is drawing near (along with the Cullen's of course), as is her.. planned change. She's still got a deranged vampire after her, nearby Seattle has a gang of newborn vamps on the loose, and then there's the werewolf. Sound complicated? Thats only half. Bella is torn between her friendship with Jacob and her love for Edward. The vampires and the wolves become allies! And Alice gets to plan a wedding. Lots of good stuffs! Read it!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Books #4, #5, #6 (beware Twilight spoilers..)

I really need to log in and update as soon as I finish a book.. anyway, here goes.

#4 Title: Two For The Dough
Author: Janet Evanovich

This was ok, the whole mystery thing still isn't my thing. I found this one a little harder to get into, but it got better at the end. I will continue to read these in between other reads, they are rather quick.

#5 Title: Twilight
Author: Stephanie Meyer

Oh My GOD! I loved this book! This is another series I am happening on near its ending. The one Harry Potter podcast had been mentioning it as something people are turning to after Harry Potter. Its different, because its about vampires.. but its still that fantasy/science fiction genre.

It has been a long time since I read a good vampire story. This one is a bit different, its a love story as well.. "with bite".. lol :) Bella is human, Edward is a vampire.. living with (coven of sorts) other vampires as a family. These vampires are different because they don't kill humans, the exist in human society and resist the urge to take their blood. They live off the blood of animals, so they go on 'hunting trips' away from where they live (in the almost always rainy and overcast city of Forks, Washington). They meet at school, at first it seems Edward hates Bella for no reason.. but he doesn't.. he's just really interested in her blood, and he's intrigued because his special talent of hearing peoples thoughts doesn't work with her. She's intrigued by him, they fall in love.. there's other dangers, I don't wanna give it all away.. but its a thing where he wants to stay away for her safety.. but she's accident prone and he feels the need to save her.. its just a really good story.. REALLY good, my description is doing NOTHING for it. GO read it!

#6 Title: New Moon (Book 2, Twilight Saga)
Author: Stephanie Meyer

If there is a book better than Twilight, it is New Moon. I had it finished in 2 days. I would have finished it the first night it arrived, but I had to get up early the next day for work so I couldn't read through the night and into the morning. I finally put it down around 1am and went to bed, and picked it right up again as soon as I got home. Wonderful continuation. Such drama! In the beginning, things look good for Edward and Bella, but a mishap at the Cullen House (the Cullen's are Edward and his family) on Bella's birthday changed that. Bella accidentally gave herself a paper cut.. and one of Edward's 'brothers' (who was new to the way of resisting human blood) kinda went at her when he saw the blood.. soo small bit of craziness happens.. and in the next chapter or so Edward's family decide to leave Forks. Edward breaks up with Bella, and its sooo devistating. I cried. lol and I don't usually do that, but I guess it brought up some memories of my own. Totally brought her world crashing down. She learns to function somewhat normally, becomes reckless in order to hear his voice in her head.. till.. well.. someone shows up.. a rescue mission starts.. and.. READ IT! You won't regret it!