Into The Pages

I will be using this blog as a reading journal to discuss the books I've read, and will be reading.

Location: Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, United States

I'm 26 years old, a college student at Penn State. My interests are books and the internet. I'll read any book as long as it has a good plot. My favorite is Harry Potter.. right now.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Harry Potter Book 7 Speculation

I am reading DaVinci Code, and will comment when I’m finished, but this brainstorm deserves to be here. I read an article : and it got me thinking.

This article states that 2 characters will die, one character got a reprieve (I’m taking this to mean someone she intended to have die, she decided against, and there is a possibility that Harry will not survive either.

Lets think about the main characters: Harry, Hermione, Ron, The Weasley Family (Arthur, Molly, Twins, Percy, Bill, Charlie... some more “main” than others), Neville, Professor McGonigal, Professor Snape, Draco, Lucius, and Volidimort. That’s all I can think of off the top of my head, lots of others are mentioned more than once, but, these are the main.

We know that Volidmort has to die, that’s what the whole series leads up to – the big battle of good vs. evil. Good always wins. But there are always casualties on both sides, significant losses for both sides.

For arguments sake, lets say that the 2 that die do not include Harry or Volidmort. So, a significant loss for the light could be one of the trio – lets say Hermione. That loss would emotionally hurt Harry, he’s always losing those closest to him, and although Ron is his best friend as well, I think he was closer emotionally to Hermione. She’s valuable to the Order because she’s smart and well read, not that the others aren’t, but she’d still be a great loss. Losing her would drive Harry and Ron to bring Volidmort down.  On the other hand, I think the loss of Ron would drive Harry as well, along with Hermione and the rest of the order… so really, either one of the other trio members would count as a significant loss. Also for the Order, there is Arthur Weasley, who works for the ministry, which also makes him a significant loss. There are others, but they may or may not be “main characters”.

For the Dark side, there’s Draco. He was supposed to kill Dumbledore, but couldn’t. Snape, because of the unbreakable vow, did it for him. I don’t know if that means that Draco will become neutral or not, but that’s a whole other subject entirely.  Volidmort could be so angry with Draco that he kills him. Of course, that’s if Lucius doesn’t get to him first. Wormtail could be one of Volidmort’s casualties, he was significant in the rebirth of Voldmort. Lucius is another option, any number of the Death Eaters could die in battle.

Then there is Snape, who is a double spy, but where do his real loyalties lie? If Volidmort finds him out as a spy for the light, he may kill him. But if he’s truly a death eater, he wouldn’t be killed by volidmort. That doesn’t mean that he can’t be killed in battle.

This idea came from an HP yahoo group that I’m part of – what if Harry were a horcrux? 2 of the horcruxes were destroyed (the gault ring and riddle’s diary), 1 was stolen by R.A.B (speculated to be Sirius’s brother – could be the locket found at Grimmauld Place), the 4th being Nagini (the snake), 5th being something belonging to Gryffindor or Ravenclaw, 6th being – harry, 7th being Voldimort himself.

What if the 5th is something belonging to Ravenclaw, and the 6th is something belonging IN Gryffindor – meaning Harry… after all he DID use the sword belonging to Gryffindor. At first I thought the sword could be the horcrux, but what if it is HARRY?

If Harry is a horcrux, that could have something to do with his scar… even though it’s been said that the scar is created by the killing curse, or at least its implied. What if the dark magic that created that scar was a combination of the killing curse and the magic needed to create horcruxes.  What a dramatic ending it would be if the boy who lived had to become the boy who died to save the wizarding world?

But who figures it out and who kills harry? I think harry and whomever of the trio doesn’t die figures it out. Like Harry knows he’s got to die in order for Voldimort to be brought down. Soo.. does he kill himself and leave orders for the others? Or does he give orders for someone else to kill him at a certain time? I think Neville plays a big part in the end, possibly he’s the one who’s got to kill harry? (or not, I’m just stretching here).

Ok, I’ve been spending waay too much time thinking about this.. LOL back to other things.


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